How do I layout expandable columns

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
		With .Columns
			With .Add("C0")
				.ExpandColumns = "1,2"
				.DisplayExpandButton = True
			End With
			.Add "C1"
			.Add "C2"
			.Add "C3"
			With .Add("C4")
				.ExpandColumns = "5,6"
				.DisplayExpandButton = True
			End With
			.Add "C5"
			With .Add("C6")
				.ExpandColumns = "6,7"
				.DisplayExpandButton = True
			End With
			.Add "C7"
		End With
		.Columns.Item("C4").Expanded = False
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to display automatically the start/end margins of the bars

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.Def(3) = "<%=%1%>"
				.Def(4) = 16
				.Def(44) = "<%=%2%>"
				.Def(45) = 18
			End With
			.ScrollTo .FirstVisibleDate,1
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Columns.Add("ToolTip").Visible = False
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Item 1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "bar <b>a"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#12/29/2000#,#1/5/2001#
			h = .AddItem("Item 2")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "bar <b>b"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#12/30/2000#,#1/6/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to assign the bar's caption from a hidden column

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.Def(3) = "<%=%C1%>"
				.Def(4) = 18
			End With
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Columns.Add("ToolTip").Visible = False
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Item 1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "bar <b>a"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#
			h = .AddItem("Item 2")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "bar <b>b"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to assign the bar's tooltip from a hidden column

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			.Bars.Item("Task").Def(6) = "<%=%C1%>"
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Columns.Add("ToolTip").Visible = False
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Item 1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the bar on item 1."
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#
			h = .AddItem("Item 2")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the bar on item 2."
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

I am using exBarFrameColor, but no black frame is shown. What could be wrong (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Default")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",51) = 65536
		End With
	End With
End Function

I am using exBarFrameColor, but no black frame is shown. What could be wrong (method 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			.Bars.Item("Task").Def(51) = 65536
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Default"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

What I need is bars that have a solid color, but with a black frame. How can we do that

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		End With
		With .Chart.Bars.Add("Frame")
			.Pattern = 1
			.Color = RGB(0,255,0)
			.Def(51) = 65536
			.Def(3) = "<font ;6><%=%C0%>"
			.Def(4) = 18
			.Height = 15
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Frames"
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Default"),"Frame",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			h = .AddItem("Inside Color")
			.AddBar h,"Frame",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 255
			h = .AddItem("Border Color")
			.AddBar h,"Frame",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",51) = 33023
			h = .AddItem("Inside/Border Color")
			.AddBar h,"Frame",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 16711680
			.ItemBar(h,"",51) = 33023
			h = .AddItem("Thick-Border")
			.AddBar h,"Frame",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",42) = 4097
			h = .AddItem("Thick-Border + Pattern")
			.AddBar h,"Frame",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",42) = 4098
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can we drag bars from one item to the other

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.Columns.Add("Members").Def(17) = 1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
			.AllowLinkBars = False
			.AllowCreateBar = 0
			.AllowSelectObjects = 0
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(False) = 96
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.OverlaidType = 4611 ' OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStack
				.Height = 18
				.Pattern = 1
				.Color = RGB(0,128,255)
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Member <b>1</b>")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/23/2006#,"T102","<font ;6><fgcolor FFFFFF>Task <b>102</b>"
			.ItemBar(h,"T102",28) = True
			h = .AddItem("Member <b>2</b>")
			h = .AddItem("Member <b>3</b>")
			h = .AddItem("Member <b>4</b>")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/23/2006#,"T103","<font ;6><fgcolor FFFFFF>Task <b>103</b>"
			.ItemBar(h,"T103",28) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I use the exBarBackgroundExt option of the Items.ItemBar property

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 26
		With .Chart
			.NonworkingDays = 0
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			.Bars.Item("Task").Height = 22
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Border-Top")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "top[3,back=RGB(0,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Border-Bottom")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "bottom[3,back=RGB(255,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Border-Left")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "left[6,back=RGB(0,255,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Border-Right")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "right[6,back=RGB(0,0,255)]"
			h = .AddItem("Border-All")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "top[3,back=RGB(0,0,0)],right[3,back=RGB(0,0,255)],bottom[3,back=RGB(255,0,0)],left[3,back=RGB(0,255,0)],client"
			h = .AddItem("Middle")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "none[(25%,25%,50%,50%),back=RGB(255,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Horizontal")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "none[(0,50%-2,100%,4),back=RGB(255,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Vertical")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "none[(50%-2,0,4,100%),back=RGB(255,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Mixt")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "[[patterncolor=RGB(255,0,0)](none[(4,4,100%-8,100%-8),pattern=0x006,patterncolor=RGB(255,0,0),frame=RGB(255,0,0),framethick])]"
			h = .AddItem("Misc")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "bottom[50%,pattern=10,frame]"
			h = .AddItem("Complex")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",53) = "left[10%](top[90%,back=RGB(0,0,0)]),top[30%,back=RGB(254,217,102)],client[back=RGB(91,156,212)]"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does the title of the cell's tooltip supports HTML format

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.Caption = ""
			.HTMLCaption = "Column"
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellToolTip(.AddItem("tooltip w/h different title"),0) = "<c><b><fgcolor=FF0000>Title</fgcolor></b><br>This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows the tit" & _
	"le centered with a different color."
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I specify a different title for the cell's tooltip

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.Caption = "This is the title"
			.HTMLCaption = "Column"
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellToolTip(.AddItem("tooltip w/h different title"),0) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell."
		End With
	End With
End Function

The cell's tooltip displays the column's caption in its title. How can I get ride of that

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
		With .Columns
			.Add "C1"
			.Add "C2"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("tooltip w/h caption")
			.CellToolTip(h,0) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows the column's caption in the title."
			.CellValue(h,1) = "tooltip no caption"
			.CellToolTip(h,1) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows no column's caption in the title."
		End With
		With .Columns.Item("C2")
			.HTMLCaption = .Caption
			.Caption = ""
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I programmatically show the column's filter

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_RClick()
	With G2antt1
		i = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		.Columns.Item(c).ShowFilter "-1,-1,128,128"
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		With .Columns.Add("Items ")
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.FilterList = 9472 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
		End With
	End With
End Function

I want to be able to click on one of the headers, and sort by other column. How can I do that (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_ColumnClick(Column)
	' Column.SortOrder = 1
	With G2antt1
		.SortOnClick = -1
		.Columns.Item("Sort").SortOrder = 1
		.SortOnClick = 1
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SortOnClick = 1
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		.Columns.Add("Sort").Visible = False
		With .Items
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1 (3)"),1) = 3
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2 (1)"),1) = 1
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3 (2)"),1) = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

I want to be able to click on one of the headers, and sort by other column. How can I do that (method 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_ColumnClick(Column)
	' Column.SortOrder = 1
	With G2antt1
		.Items.SortChildren 0,"Sort",True
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SortOnClick = 1
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		.Columns.Add("Sort").Visible = False
		With .Items
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1 (3)"),1) = 3
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2 (1)"),1) = 1
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3 (2)"),1) = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I get information about control's events
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_Event(EventID)
	With G2antt1
		alert( .ExecuteTemplate("EventParam(-2)") )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 48
			.AllowLinkBars = False
			.Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = 257 ' OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsTransparent Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsOffset
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Item 1")
			.EnableItem(h) = False
			.ItemData(h) = -1
			h = .AddItem("Item 2")
			.ItemData(h) = 0
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"B"
			.ItemBar(h,"B",28) = True
			.ItemData(.AddItem("Item 3")) = 0
			h = .AddItem("Item 4")
			.EnableItem(h) = False
			.ItemData(h) = -1
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I sort by two-columns, one by date and one by time

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SingleSort = False
		With .Columns
			.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
			.Add("Date").SortType = 2
			With .Add("Time")
				.SortType = 4
				.FormatColumn = "time(value)"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellValue(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
			.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellValue(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
			.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellValue(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
			.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellValue(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
			.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellValue(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
			.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellValue(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
			.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
		End With
		.Layout = "multiplesort=""C1:1 C2:1"""
	End With
End Function

I am trying to hide the non-working dates by using the AddNonworkingDate to specify custom non-working dates while NonworkingDays property is 0, but the non-working date is still shown. What can be wrong

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2008#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 0
			.LevelCount = 2
			.ShowNonworkingUnits = False
			.ShowNonworkingDates = False
			.NonworkingDays = 128
			.AddNonworkingDate #1/7/2008#
			.AddNonworkingDate #1/8/2008#
			.AddNonworkingDate #1/9/2008#
			.AddNonworkingDate #1/10/2008#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I display the task's duration, in days, hours and minutes

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns.Add("Tasks")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 36
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Duration")
			.Def(18) = 513
			.FormatColumn = "((1:=int(0:= (value))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 " & _
	"? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')"
		End With
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 148
			.FirstVisibleDate = #4/6/2009#
			.LevelCount = 2
			.UnitScale = 65536
			.ResizeUnitScale = 1048576
		End With
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("T1"),"Task",#4/6/2009 2:30:00 AM#,#4/6/2009 0:35:00 PM#
			.AddBar .AddItem("T2"),"Task",#4/6/2009 9:00:00 AM#,#4/6/2009 10:10:00 AM#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does your control support working half-hour/minutes/seconds

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns.Add("Tasks")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 36
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Working")
			.Def(18) = 258
			.FormatColumn = "((1:=int(0:= (value))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 " & _
	"? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')"
		End With
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #4/6/2009#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 148
			.LevelCount = 2
			.UnitScale = 65536
			.ResizeUnitScale = 1048576
			.ResizeUnitCount = 15
			.NonworkingHours = 15728767
			.ShowNonworkingDates = False
			.ShowNonworkingUnits = False
			.ShowNonworkingHours = False
			With .Bars
				.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
				.Item("Task").Def(20) = True
			End With
			.AllowLinkBars = False
			.UnitWidth = 26
		End With
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("T1")
			.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "(weekday(value) in (1,2,3,4,5) and (timeF(value)<""09:30""  or timeF(value)>=""17:30"")) or (weekday(value) in (0,6))"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#4/6/2009 10:00:00 AM#,#4/6/2009 0:30:00 PM#
			h = .AddItem("T2")
			.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "(weekday(value) in (1,2,3,4,5) and (timeF(value)<""08:00""  or timeF(value)>=""16:00"")) or (weekday(value) in (0,6))"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#4/6/2009 9:30:00 AM#,#4/6/2009 10:45:00 AM#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I programmatically move a bar to a specified date-time
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Original")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			h = .AddItem("Moved")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			duration = .ItemBar(h,"key",513)
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			.ItemBar(h,"key",513) = duration
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I programmatically move a bar, with a specified ammount
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Original")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			h = .AddItem("Moved")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			.ItemBar(h,"key",514) = 3
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I programmatically move a bar to a specified date-time (auto-adjust spans over a non-working period)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			With .Bars
				.Item("Task").Def(20) = True
				.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
			End With
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Original")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			h = .AddItem("Moved")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			workingCount = .ItemBar(h,"key",258)
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			.ItemBar(h,"key",258) = workingCount
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I programmatically move a bar, with a specified ammount (auto-adjust spans over a non-working period)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			With .Bars
				.Item("Task").Def(20) = True
				.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
			End With
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Original")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			h = .AddItem("Moved")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"key"
			.ItemBar(h,"key",514) = 3
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I show a secondary curve, line in the control's histogram

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		.AntiAliasing = True
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(0) = 40
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/9/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 1136 ' HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramNoGrouping Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramAllItems
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramItems = 8
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(0,0,1)
			End With
			.Level(1).Label = "<font ;3><%d%>"
			.UnitWidth = 9
			With .Bars.Item("Summary")
				.HistogramPattern = 1024
				.HistogramColor = RGB(255,0,0)
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramItems = 8
				.HistogramBorderSize = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(0,0)
			.ItemHeight(h) = 0
			.AddBar h,"Summary",#1/1/2005#,#12/31/2005#,"1"
			.ItemBar(h,"1",21) = "(value mod 31) array (1,1,1,2,1,2.5,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,2,2,3,4.5,4,5,6,7,6,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,2,2)"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/10/2005#,#7/16/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "weekday(value) in (0,6) ? 0.25 : 2"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/18/2005#,#7/21/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "weekday(value) = 1 ? 2.5 : .5"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I add an owner-draw bar
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AfterDrawPart(Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height)
	With G2antt1
		alert( "AfterDrawPart" )
		alert( Part )
		alert( .Items.CellCaption(G2antt1.DrawPartItem,0) )
		alert( G2antt1.DrawPartKey )
	End With
End Function

Function G2antt1_BeforeDrawPart(Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height,Cancel)
	With G2antt1
		Cancel = True
		alert( "BeforeDrawPart" )
		alert( Part )
		alert( .Items.CellCaption(G2antt1.DrawPartItem,0) )
		alert( G2antt1.DrawPartKey )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			.LevelCount = 2
			.Bars.Add "OwnerDraw"
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Draw-Item-Bar-1"),"OwnerDraw",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Draw-Item-Bar-2"),"OwnerDraw",#1/6/2001#,#1/9/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(0,"<*>",257) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to show a status left or right to the bar (method 2, exBarFrameColor, EBN)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .VisualAppearance
			.Add 1,"CP:2 -8 -1 0 0"
			.Add 3,"CP:2 0 -1 0 0"
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Red-Status-Outside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 16777471
			h = .AddItem("Blue-Status-Outside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 33488896
			h = .AddItem("Red-Status-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 50331903
			h = .AddItem("Blue-Status-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 67043328
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to show a status left or right to the bar (method 1, exBarBackgroundExt)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Red-Left-Status-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "left[6,back=RGB(255,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Blue-Left-Status-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "left[6,back=RGB(0,0,255)]"
			h = .AddItem("Red-Right-Status-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "right[6,back=RGB(255,0,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("Blue-Right-Status-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "right[6,back=RGB(0,0,255)]"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I use the ItemBar(exBarBackgroundExt) property for a bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 31
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.GridLineColor = RGB(224,224,224)
		.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.Level(0).GridLineColor = G2antt1.GridLineColor
			.Level(1).GridLineColor = G2antt1.GridLineColor
			.ShowNonworkingDates = False
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			.Bars.Item("Task").Height = 21
			.DrawGridLines = -1
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Normal")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
			h = .AddItem("Red-Frame-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "[frame=RGB(255,0,0),framethick]"
			h = .AddItem("LR-Margins")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "left[4,back=RGB(0,255,0)],right[4,back=RGB(0,0,255)]"
			h = .AddItem("LR-Margins (front)")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "left[4,back=RGB(0,255,0)],right[4,back=RGB(0,0,255)]"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",54) = 2
			h = .AddItem("LR-Margins (back)")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "left[4,back=RGB(0,255,0)],right[4,back=RGB(0,0,255)]"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",54) = 3
			h = .AddItem("TB-Margins")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/9/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "top[4,back=RGB(255,0,0)],bottom[4,back=RGB(0,255,0)]"
			h = .AddItem("TB-Margins")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "top[2,back=RGB(255,0,0)],bottom[2,back=RGB(0,255,0)]"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",54) = 2
			h = .AddItem("Caption(back)")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "client(bottom[14,text=`<sha ;;0><font ;8>background`,align=0x11])"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",54) = 2
			h = .AddItem("Pattern-Outside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/12/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "bottom[10%,pattern=7,frame]"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",54) = 2
			h = .AddItem("Pattern-Inside")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/13/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "bottom[7,pattern=3,frame]"
			h = .AddItem("Pattern-Inside-Caption")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/12/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "top[4](left[4],right[4],client),bottom[4](left[4],right[4],client),left[4],right[4],client(left[75%,text=`<fgcolor FFFFFF>75%`," & _
			h = .AddItem("Complex(back)")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "top[30%,back=RGB(253,218,101)],client[back=RGB(91,157,210)],none[(0%,0%,10%,100%)](top[90%,back=RGB(0,0,0)])"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",54) = 3
			h = .AddItem("Complex(inside)")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/12/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",53) = "top[30%,back=RGB(253,218,101)],client[back=RGB(91,157,210)],none[(0%,0%,10%,100%)](top[90%,back=RGB(0,0,0)])"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can display seconds

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 96
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/17/2008#
			.LevelCount = 2
			.UnitScale = 16777216
			.Level(0).Alignment = 17 ' AlignmentEnum.exHOutside Or AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
			.Level(1).FormatLabel = "(0:=sec(dvalue)) mod 10 ? 0=: : '<c><font ;6>sec<br><b>' + 0=:"
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/17/2008 0:00:02 AM#,#1/17/2008 0:00:08 AM#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/17/2008 0:00:05 AM#,#1/17/2008 0:00:15 AM#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I check if an item contains a bar
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_SelectionChanged()
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			alert( "Count of A: " )
			alert( .ItemBar(.FocusItem,"A",256) )
			alert( "Count of B: " )
			alert( .ItemBar(.FocusItem,"B",256) )
			alert( "Count of C: " )
			alert( .ItemBar(.FocusItem,"C",256) )
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 48
			.Bars.Item("Task").Def(4) = 18
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A","A"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"B","B"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"C","C"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I connect to a DBF file
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Select * From foxcode.DBF","Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	End With
End Function

How do I get the caption with no HTML format

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("This is a bit of <b>HTML-formatted</b> text")
			.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 1
			.AddItem .CellCaption(h,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the bar's color based on its length/duration

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Add "Tasks"
			With .Add("Duration")
				.Def(18) = 513
				.Editor.EditType = 4
			End With
		End With
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/6/2005#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		End With
		With .ConditionalFormats.Add("%1 >= 4")
			.ApplyTo = 1 ' &H1
			.Bold = True
			.ApplyToBars = "Task"
			.BarColor = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ForeColor = .BarColor
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/13/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/11/2005#,#6/16/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/12/2005#,#6/15/2005#,""
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to colorize the bars based on its starting/ending date

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.OnResizeControl = 129 ' OnResizeControlEnum.exDisableSplitter Or OnResizeControlEnum.exResizeChart
		With .Columns
			.Add "Tasks"
			With .Add("Start")
				.Def(18) = 1
				.Visible = False
			End With
		End With
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #5/31/2005#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 0
			.AllowInsideZoom = True
			.AllowResizeInsideZoom = False
			.InsideZoomOnDblClick = False
			With .DefaultInsideZoomFormat
				.PatternChart = 6
				.PatternColorChart = RGB(255,0,0)
				.ForeColor = .PatternColorChart
			End With
			With .InsideZooms
				.SplitBaseLevel = False
				.DefaultWidth = 18
				.Add(#6/10/2005#).AllowInsideFormat = False
			End With
		End With
		With .ConditionalFormats.Add("%1 <= #6/10/2005#")
			.ApplyToBars = "Task"
			.BarColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/14/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/11/2005#,#6/15/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/12/2005#,#6/16/2005#,""
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the bar's color based on values on the columns

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AddItem(Item)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #8/3/1994#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 256
			.LevelCount = 2
			.UnitScale = 4096
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.OverviewVisible = 2
		End With
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		.Columns.Item(2).Def(18) = 1
		.Columns.Item(4).Def(18) = 2
		With .ConditionalFormats
			With .Add("1")
				.ApplyTo = 1 ' &H1
				.Bold = True
				.BackColor = RGB(250,250,250)
			End With
			With .Add("%1 = 5")
				.ApplyToBars = "Task"
				.BarColor = RGB(255,0,0)
				.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
				.BarOverviewColor = RGB(255,0,0)
			End With
			With .Add("%1 = 3")
				.ApplyToBars = "Task"
				.BarColor = RGB(0,255,0)
				.ForeColor = RGB(0,255,0)
				.BarOverviewColor = RGB(0,255,0)
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I display / specify a fixed percent for the task in the histogram, no matter how long the task is

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 32
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.UnitWidth = 32
			.LevelCount = 2
			.NonworkingDays = 0
			.PaneWidth(0) = 64
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 112
			.HistogramHeight = 64
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 1
				.ShowHistogramValues = 1
			End With
			With .Bars.Copy("Task","TaskFixed")
				.HistogramType = 513 ' HistogramTypeEnum.exHistOverAllocationFixed Or HistogramTypeEnum.exHistOverAllocation
				.ShowHistogramValues = 1
			End With
			With .Bars.Copy("Task","TaskMultiply")
				.HistogramType = 1025 ' HistogramTypeEnum.exHistOverAllocationMultiply Or HistogramTypeEnum.exHistOverAllocation
				.ShowHistogramValues = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Allocation")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/21/2005#,#6/23/2005#,"A","Effort/Length"
			.ItemBar(h,"A",21) = 0.25
			.ItemBar(h,"A",5) = 18
			.AddBar h,"TaskFixed",#6/24/2005#,#6/26/2005#,"B","Effort"
			.ItemBar(h,"B",21) = 0.25
			.ItemBar(h,"B",5) = 18
			.AddBar h,"TaskMultiply",#6/27/2005#,#6/29/2005#,"C","Effort*Length"
			.ItemBar(h,"C",21) = 0.25
			.ItemBar(h,"C",5) = 18
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does your control supports scrolling by touching the screen

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AddItem(Item)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #8/3/1994#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 256
			.LevelCount = 2
			.UnitScale = 4096
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.OverviewVisible = 2
		End With
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		.Columns.Item(2).Def(18) = 1
		.Columns.Item(4).Def(18) = 2
		.ContinueColumnScroll = True
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		.Chart.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.AutoDrag = 4112 ' AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScrollOnShortTouch Or AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScroll
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to use build-in zoom-functionality to zoom time periods spanning to just some hours of one day (zoom-onfly)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.UnitScale = 4096
			.PaneWidth(0) = 0
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.AllowZoomOnFly = 24
			.ResizeUnitScale = 65536
			.ResizeUnitCount = 4
			.Label(65536) = "<font ;5><b><%h%><br><%AM/PM%></b></font><||>4<||>65536"
			.ZoomOnFlyCaption = "<br><c><b><font ;12><%=%C0%>"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/7/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"T1","T1"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/11/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"T3","T3"
			h = .AddItem()
			.AddBar h,"",#1/15/2001#,#1/15/2001#,"","Focus the chart ( click here ), and press the <b>CTRL + SHIFT</b>, so the Zoom-OnFly is shown."
			.SelectableItem(h) = False
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to use build-in zoom-functionality to zoom time periods spanning to just some hours of one day (inside-zoom)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.UnitScale = 4096
			.PaneWidth(0) = 0
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2008#
			With .DefaultInsideZoomFormat
				.InsideLabel = "<%hh%>"
				.InsideUnit = 65536
				.InsideCount = 8
			End With
			.AllowInsideZoom = True
			With .InsideZooms
				.Add #1/4/2008#
			End With
			.DrawGridLines = -1
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I export the control's content to a PDF document (method 1)
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Tasks"
			With .Add("Start")
				.Def(18) = 1
				.Editor.EditType = 4
			End With
			With .Add("End")
				.Def(18) = 2
				.Editor.EditType = 4
			End With
		End With
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 196
			.LevelCount = 2
			.ShowEmptyBars = 1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2009#
		End With
		With .Items
			.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2009#,#1/7/2009#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/4/2009#,#1/9/2009#
		End With
		With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
			.PrintExt = G2antt1.Object
			.CopyTo "c:/temp/xtest.pdf"
		End With
		alert( "Look for C:\Temp\xtest.pdf file." )
	End With
End Function

How can I export the control's content to a PDF document (method 2)
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Tasks"
			With .Add("Start")
				.Def(18) = 1
				.Editor.EditType = 4
			End With
			With .Add("End")
				.Def(18) = 2
				.Editor.EditType = 4
			End With
		End With
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 196
			.LevelCount = 2
			.ShowEmptyBars = 1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2009#
		End With
		With .Items
			.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2009#,#1/7/2009#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/4/2009#,#1/9/2009#
		End With
		var_CopyTo = .CopyTo("c:/temp/xtest.pdf")
		alert( "Look for C:\Temp\xtest.pdf file." )
	End With
End Function

Today date is shown, if we use the Column.FormatColumn and Editor.Option(exDateAllowNullDate) properties. What can be done

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns.Add("Date")
			.FormatColumn = "len(value) ? ( (longdate(date(value)) left 3) + ' ' + day(date(value)) + '/' + month(date(value)) + '/' + (year(date(value)) ri" & _
	"ght 2) ) : '' )"
			With .Editor
				.EditType = 7
				.Option(14) = True
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem #5/12/2012#
			.AddItem #5/14/2012#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is there a syntax for conditional formatting of items, based on CellState/CellStateChange

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_CellStateChanged(Item,ColIndex)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.CellValue(Item,2) = .CellState(Item,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.SelBackMode = 1
		Set var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("%2 != 0")
		With var_ConditionalFormat
			.Bold = True
			.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ApplyTo = -1
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.Def(0) = True
			.Width = 16
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Information"
		.Columns.Add("Hidden").Visible = False
		With .Items
			.CellValue(.AddItem(""),1) = "This is a bit of text associated"
			h = .AddItem("")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "This is a bit of text associated"
			.CellState(h,0) = 1
			.CellValue(.AddItem(""),1) = "This is a bit of text associated"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I hide the items/grid section of the control

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.OnResizeControl = 129 ' OnResizeControlEnum.exDisableSplitter Or OnResizeControlEnum.exResizeChart
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/9/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 112
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
			End With
			.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/14/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/11/2005#,#6/15/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/12/2005#,#6/16/2005#,""
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I draw an extra line which could indicate deadline for my tasks

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 24
		With .VisualAppearance
			.Add 1,"CP:2 0 -4 0 4"
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Default")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 16777471
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/9/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"K2"
			.ItemBar(h,"K2",51) = 33488896
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I mark/highlight a zone in the control's histogram

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(0) = 40
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/9/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 112
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramItems = 12
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(0,0,1)
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/14/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/11/2005#,#6/15/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/12/2005#,#6/16/2005#,""
		End With
		.Chart.MarkTimeZone "zone",#6/13/2005#,#6/14/2005#,15790320,";;;;histogram;1"
	End With
End Function

How can I get the min/max values from the histogram
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_MouseMove(Button,Shift,X,Y)
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			alert( "Value" )
			alert( .HistogramValue(.DateFromPoint(-1,-1)) )
			alert( "MIN" )
			alert( .HistogramValue("min") )
			alert( "MAX" )
			alert( .HistogramValue("max") )
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(0) = 40
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/9/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 112
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramItems = 12
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(0,0,1)
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/14/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/11/2005#,#6/15/2005#,""
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"Task",#6/12/2005#,#6/16/2005#,""
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I assign different efforts(expression) to the same bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(0) = 40
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/9/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 112
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramItems = 12
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(0,0,1)
			End With
			.Level(1).Label = "<font ;3><%d%>"
			.UnitWidth = 9
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/14/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "weekday(value) in (0,6) ? 0.25 : 2"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/18/2005#,#6/21/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "weekday(value) = 1 ? 2 : 1"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/27/2005#,#7/9/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "month (value) = 7 ? 1 : 0"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/27/2005#,#7/5/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "(month(value)=month(value+1)) ? 1 : 0"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/22/2005#,#6/26/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "int(value-start) ? 1 : 2"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#7/10/2005#,#7/14/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "(int(value-start) and int(end-value) != 0 ) ? 1 : 2"
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#7/15/2005#,#7/22/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "(int(value-start)+1) mod 2 ? 1 : 0"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I prevent showing the representation of the bar on the week days, nonworking part

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.PaneWidth(0) = 40
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/9/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramView = 112
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramItems = 12
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(0,0,1)
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/10/2005#,#6/21/2005#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "weekday(value) in (0,6) ? 0 : 2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I programatically focus a cell
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_FocusChanged()
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.CellBackColor(.FocusItem,G2antt1.FocusColumnIndex) = RGB(255,0,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		.SelBackColor = .BackColor
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column1"
			.Add "Column2"
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Cell 1.1"),1) = "Cell 1.2"
			.CellValue(.AddItem("Cell 2.1"),1) = "Cell 2.2"
		End With
		With .Items
			.SelectItem(.ItemByIndex(1)) = True
		End With
		.FocusColumnIndex = 1
	End With
End Function

How do I programatically focus a cell (excrd)
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_FocusChanged()
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.CellBackColor(.FocusItem,G2antt1.FocusColumnIndex) = RGB(255,0,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		.SelBackColor = .BackColor
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.DefaultItemHeight = 36
		With .Columns
			.Add("Column1").Visible = False
			.Add("Column2").Visible = False
			.Add("Column3").Visible = False
			With .Add("FormatLevel")
				.FormatLevel = "(0/1),2"
				.Def(32) = .FormatLevel
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Cell 1.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 1.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 1.3"
			h = .AddItem("Cell 2.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 2.3"
		End With
		With .Items
			.SelectItem(.ItemByIndex(1)) = True
		End With
		.FocusColumnIndex = 2
	End With
End Function

How can I get task's user data ( exBarData ) when user double clicks the bar
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_DblClick(Shift,X,Y)
	With G2antt1
		item = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		key = .Chart.BarFromPoint(-1,-1)
		alert( .Items.ItemBar(item,key,17) )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",17) = "this is a bit of extra data associated with task 1"
			h = .AddItem("Task 2")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",17) = "this is a bit of extra data associated with task 2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I get arranged the levels to display, weeks, days and so on

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.UnitWidth = 24
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(0) = 0
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			With .Level(0)
				.Alignment = 1
				.Label = "<b><Font Tahoma;7><%m3%>, <%yyyy%></b><b>, <Font Tahoma;7>Wk <%ww%>"
				.Unit = 256
				.DrawGridLines = True
			End With
			With .Level(1)
				.Alignment = 1
				.Label = "<Font Tahoma;7><%d%>"
				.Unit = 4096
			End With
			.DrawGridLines = -1
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I add a task and a milestone to the same item
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Milestone",#1/2/2001#,#1/2/2001#,"MKey"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the visual appearance of the buttons on the control's overview part

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
	"SrAcq0FAgYRHI6jZxnGL5chqPqGVjMNZ1bQuKwzT0Ld5wTYsdydBK1MIkTKKaoORZgRpYUI6FAeSgBWyPcCqPSoDrKdo4XLdYwbeAFcSPD6+NBhG7tXm/NarNTgTB6DB" & _
	"thsGJbgYYw9AQVxBoOch2hEbh+nAARYkQdZ7CMPYGH+FxmlqbJ5lqDAdjMC5AmIW54hwaBvA4IQ8D+T8IFscgenAAZMHiEgWiWdRZlSAAhAkFAGq6dAdEcIYVF4QJKCA" & _
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 0
			.LevelCount = 2
			.OverviewVisible = 2
			.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
			.Label(16777216) = ""
			.Label(0) = ""
		End With
		.Chart.OverviewSelBackColor = &H1ffff00
	End With
End Function

Is there a way to show the Start and End dates in mm-dd-yyyy format

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #12/25/2000#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 196
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Start")
			.Def(18) = 1
			.Def(19) = "K1"
			.FormatColumn = "(0 array (0:=(shortdateF(value) split `/`))) + `-` + (1 array (=:0) ) + `-` + (2 array (=:0) )"
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("End")
			.Def(18) = 2
			.Def(19) = "K1"
			.FormatColumn = "shortdateF(value) replace `/` with `-`"
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is there a way to show the Start and End dates in dd-mm-yyyy format

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.FirstVisibleDate = #12/25/2000#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 196
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Start")
			.Def(18) = 1
			.Def(19) = "K1"
			.FormatColumn = "(1 array (0:=(shortdateF(value) split `/`))) + `-` + (0 array (=:0) ) + `-` + (2 array (=:0) )"
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("End")
			.Def(18) = 2
			.Def(19) = "K1"
			.FormatColumn = "(1 array (0:=(shortdateF(value) split `/`))) + `-` + (0 array (=:0) ) + `-` + (2 array (=:0) )"
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
			.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		End With
	End With
End Function

If we have bars with dark color, we use white font/color. But if the bars are too small for the caption, you can’t read it. What can we do

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #12/29/2000#
		.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		With .Chart.Bars.Item("Task")
			.Pattern = 1
			.Height = 17
		End With
		With .Chart.Bars.Item("Progress")
			.Pattern = 1
			.Height = 17
			.Shape = 1
			.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
		End With
		With .Chart.Bars.Add("Task%Progress")
			.Pattern = 1
			.Height = 17
			.Shortcut = "Percent"
		End With
		.DefaultItemHeight = 21
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 4112616
			.ItemBar(h,"",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><sha 0;;0>Pause"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/9/2001#,#1/12/2001#,"white"
			.ItemBar(h,"white",33) = 4112616
			.ItemBar(h,"white",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Pause"
			h = .AddItem("Task 2")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/4/2001#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 2017557
			.ItemBar(h,"",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><sha 0;;0>Production"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"white"
			.ItemBar(h,"white",33) = 2017557
			.ItemBar(h,"white",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Production"
			h = .AddItem("Task 3")
			.AddBar h,"Percent",#1/3/2001#,#1/4/2001#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",12) = 0.5
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 2017557
			.ItemBar(h,"",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><sha 0;;0>Pausing"
			.AddBar h,"Percent",#1/10/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"white"
			.ItemBar(h,"white",12) = 0.5
			.ItemBar(h,"white",33) = 2017557
			.ItemBar(h,"white",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Pausing"
			h = .AddItem("Task 4")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/4/2001#,""
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 8421504
			.ItemBar(h,"",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><sha 0;;0>Planned downtime"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"white"
			.ItemBar(h,"white",33) = 8421504
			.ItemBar(h,"white",3) = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Planned downtime"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I programmatically exclude items from the filter

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Items")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.FilterList = 9472 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
			.AddItem "Item 4"
		End With
		With .Columns.Item(0)
			.FilterType = 752 ' FilterTypeEnum.exFilterExclude Or FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
			.Filter = "Item 1|Item 4"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I show in histogram, more values for a single task

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_BeforeExpandItem(Item,Cancel)
	With G2antt1
		Cancel = True
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SingleSel = True
		.ExpandOnDblClick = False
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.AllowLinkBars = False
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #12/29/2000#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 167
			.PaneWidth(0) = 128
			.HistogramView = 1040 ' HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramNoGrouping Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramUnlockedItems
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramType = 256
				.HistogramItems = 6
				.HistogramPattern = 1
				.HistogramItems = -40000
				.HistogramCriticalValue = 100000
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(128,128,128)
				.HistogramCumulativeColors = 3
			End With
			.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		End With
		.Columns.Add("Costs").Visible = False
		.Columns.Add("Tasks").Visible = True
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Estimated")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Task 1"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/10/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 8000
			hR = .InsertItem(h,,"Actual")
			.AddBar hR,"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/10/2001#
			.ItemBar(hR,"",21) = 9000
			.GroupBars h,"",True,hR,"",True
			.GroupBars h,"",False,hR,"",False
			hR = .InsertItem(h,,"Cost")
			.AddBar hR,"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/10/2001#
			.ItemBar(hR,"",21) = 200
			.GroupBars h,"",True,hR,"",True
			.GroupBars h,"",False,hR,"",False
			h = .AddItem("Estimated")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Task 2"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/9/2001#,#1/15/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 7000
			hR = .InsertItem(h,,"Actual")
			.AddBar hR,"Task",#1/9/2001#,#1/15/2001#
			.ItemBar(hR,"",21) = 8000
			.GroupBars h,"",True,hR,"",True
			.GroupBars h,"",False,hR,"",False
			hR = .InsertItem(h,,"Cost")
			.AddBar hR,"Task",#1/9/2001#,#1/15/2001#
			.ItemBar(hR,"",21) = 150
			.GroupBars h,"",True,hR,"",True
			.GroupBars h,"",False,hR,"",False
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I align the caption of the bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #12/25/2000#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","exBarHAlignCaption = 0"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 0
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","exBarHAlignCaption = 1"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 1
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","exBarHAlignCaption = 2"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 2
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","Clip 3"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 3
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","Clip 4"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 4
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","Clip 5"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 5
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","Outside Left 16"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 16
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","Outside Right 18"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 18
			h = .AddItem("Task")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K","Outside Center 17"
			.ItemBar(h,"K",4) = 17
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the drop down filter background color

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Background(26) = RGB(255,255,255)
		With .Columns.Add("Items")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.FilterList = 1315 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc Or FilterListEnum.exLeafItems
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root 1")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root 2")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 3"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I arrange the columns using CRD (eXCRD ) strings (Sample 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 36
		With .Columns
			With .Add("C1")
				.Def(0) = True
				.Width = 18
				.AllowSizing = False
			End With
			With .Add("C2")
				.Def(0) = True
				.Width = 18
			End With
			.Add("Column1").Visible = False
			.Add("Column2").Visible = False
			.Add("Column3").Visible = False
			With .Add("FormatLevel")
				.FormatLevel = "18;""Info""[a=17]/(2/3,4)"
				.Def(32) = "2/3,4"
			End With
		End With
		With .Chart
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/22/2014#
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Cell 1.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 1.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 1.3"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2014#,#6/25/2014#
			h = .AddItem("Cell 2.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 2.3"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/26/2014#,#6/28/2014#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I arrange the columns using CRD (eXCRD ) strings (Sample 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 36
		With .Columns
			.Add("Column1").Visible = False
			.Add("Column2").Visible = False
			.Add("Column3").Visible = False
			With .Add("FormatLevel")
				.FormatLevel = "(0/1),2"
				.Def(32) = .FormatLevel
			End With
		End With
		With .Chart
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/22/2014#
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Cell 1.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 1.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 1.3"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2014#,#6/25/2014#
			h = .AddItem("Cell 2.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 2.3"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/26/2014#,#6/28/2014#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I display the histogram for filtered items only
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SingleSel = False
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.LevelCount = 2
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 32
			.HistogramView = 128
			.Bars.Item("Task").HistogramPattern = 6
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Column")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.Filter = "Item 1"
			.FilterType = 240
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I use no scroll bars for touch-screens

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AddItem(Item)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Function

Function G2antt1_MouseMove(Button,Shift,X,Y)
	With G2antt1
		.ShowToolTip "<font ;6><sha ;;0><off -4>Tip</off></sha></font> If the cursor hovers bars, click and wait for a second to start scrolling."
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.AllowCreateBar = 0
			.FirstVisibleDate = #8/3/1994#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 256
			.LevelCount = 2
			.UnitScale = 4096
			.FirstWeekDay = 1
			.OverviewVisible = 2
		End With
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.AutoDrag = 16
		.ScrollWidth = 4
		.ScrollHeight = 4
		.Background(384) = RGB(192,192,192)
		.Background(392) = RGB(192,192,192)
		.Background(404) = RGB(224,224,224)
		.Background(388) = RGB(128,128,128)
		.Background(276) = RGB(224,224,224)
		.Background(264) = RGB(192,192,192)
		.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
		.Background(256) = RGB(192,192,192)
		.ScrollButtonWidth = 0
		.ScrollButtonHeight = 0
	End With
End Function

How can I display values in the histogram legend

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		With .Columns.Add("Effort")
			.Def(18) = 21
			.Editor.EditType = 4
		End With
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.NonworkingDays = 0
			.PaneWidth(False) = 96
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 128
			.HistogramView = 112
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramCriticalValue = 3
				.HistogramItems = -7
				.HistogramGridLinesColor = RGB(192,192,192)
				.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(0,0,1)
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
			h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h1,"Task",#6/21/2005#,#6/23/2005#
			.CellValue(h1,1) = 4
			h1 = .AddItem("Task 2")
			.AddBar h1,"Task",#6/24/2005#,#6/26/2005#
			.CellValue(h1,1) = 3
			h1 = .AddItem("Task 3")
			.AddBar h1,"Task",#6/27/2005#,#6/29/2005#
			.CellValue(h1,1) = 2
			h1 = .AddItem("Task 4")
			.AddBar h1,"Task",#6/30/2005#,#7/2/2005#
			.CellValue(h1,1) = 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

I am using AllowGroupBy property and calling the Column.SortOrder property groups by that column. Is it possible to prevent that, so I have a similar behavior like I click the column's header rather than dragging it to the control's GroupBy bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Add "First"
			.Add "Second"
			.Add "Third"
		End With
		.SortBarVisible = True
		.SingleSort = False
		.AllowGroupBy = True
		.Layout = "SingleSort = ""C0:1"";MultipleSort = ""C1:2 C2:1"""
	End With
End Function

Calling programatically the Column.SortOrder property adds the column to the sort bar. Is it possible to prevent that, so I have a similar behavior like I click the column's header rather than dragging it to the control's Sort bar
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Add "First"
			.Add "Second"
			.Add "Third"
		End With
		.SortBarVisible = True
		.SingleSort = False
		.Layout = "SingleSort = ""C0:1"""
	End With
End Function

How can I specify different working parts for different items

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Add "Tasks"
			With .Add("Working")
				.Def(18) = 258
				.Def(19) = "A"
				.FormatColumn = "(0:=round(value*24)) != 0 ? =:0 : ''"
			End With
			With .Add("NonWorking")
				.Def(18) = 259
				.Def(19) = "A"
				.FormatColumn = "(0:=round(value*24)) != 0 ? =:0 : ''"
			End With
		End With
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(0) = 78
			.AllowCreateBar = 1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
			.DrawLevelSeparator = False
			.LevelCount = 3
			.Level(1).DrawGridLines = False
			.AllowInsideZoom = True
			.DrawDateTicker = True
			.DateTickerLabel = "<%mmm%> <%d%><br><b><%hh%>:<%nn%></b>"
			.MarkSelectDateColor = &H7ffff8ee
			With .DefaultInsideZoomFormat
				.OwnerLabel = "<%mmm%> <%d%>"
				.BackColor = RGB(238,248,255)
				.BackColorChart = .BackColor
				.InsideCount = 4
				.InsideLabel = "<b><%hh%></b>"
			End With
			.InsideZooms.Add #6/22/2005#
			.DrawGridLines = 2
			.Bars.Item("Split").Color = RGB(255,0,0)
			With .Bars.Add("Task:Split")
				.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
				.Pattern = 6
				.Shortcut = "Task"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
			h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h1,"Task",#6/22/2005 8:00:00 AM#,#6/28/2005#,"A"
			.ItemBar(h1,"A",20) = True
			.ItemNonworkingUnits(h1,False) = "weekday(value) in (1,2)"
			.ItemNonworkingUnits(h1,True) = "weekday(value) in (1,2) or (hour(value)<8 or hour(value)>=16 )"
			h2 = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h2,"Task",#6/22/2005 4:00:00 AM#,#6/29/2005 0:00:00 PM#,"A"
			.ItemBar(h2,"A",20) = True
			.ItemNonworkingUnits(h2,False) = "weekday(value) in (1,2)"
			.ItemNonworkingUnits(h2,True) = "weekday(value) in (1, 2) or (hour(value)<4 or hour(value)>=12 )"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I define the default bar's foreground color

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Chart
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.PaneWidth(False) = 48
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.Height = 15
				.Pattern = 1
				.Def(8) = 16777215
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1","bar A"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K2","bar B"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K3","bar C"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I print the selected items only

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AddItem(Item)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SingleSel = False
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #8/4/1994#
		With .Items
			.SelectItem(.ItemByIndex(0)) = True
			.SelectItem(.ItemByIndex(2)) = True
			.SelectItem(.ItemByIndex(4)) = True
		End With
		With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
			.Options = "Print = Selection"
			.PrintExt = G2antt1.Object
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I sort the columns to be displayed on the columns floating bar
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add("City").Visible = False
			.Add("Start").Visible = False
			.Add("End").Visible = False
		End With
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
		.ColumnsFloatBarSortOrder = 1
	End With
End Function

How can I add a vertical padding for my cells
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Padding")
			.Def(0) = True
			.Def(16) = False
			.Def(48) = 6
			.Def(49) = 6
			.Def(50) = 6
			.Def(51) = 6
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "padding"
			.AddItem "padding"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Trying to fill the second columns. How can I do that
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add "Column 2"
			.Add "Column 3"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("SubItem 1.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "SubItem 1.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "SubItem 1.3"
			h = .AddItem("SubItem 2.1")
			.CellValue(h,1) = "SubItem 2.2"
			.CellValue(h,2) = "SubItem 2.3"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I specify a different background color for item, in chart or list panels

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			hC = .InsertItem(h,,"Child 1")
			.ItemBackColor(hC) = RGB(255,0,0)
			G2antt1.Chart.ItemBackColor(hC) = RGB(0,255,0)
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to specify a status part for each bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.Debug = True
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"B1"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/17/2001#,"B2"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K3"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 4"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K4"
			.ItemBar(0,"<*>",33) = 255
			.ItemBar(0,"<*>",51) = 16777216
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the the focus rectangle

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\sample\EBN\hoverinsert.ebn"
		.Background(19) = &H1000000
		With .Columns.Add("Check")
			.Def(48) = 2
			.Def(0) = True
		End With
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		.SelBackColor = .BackColor
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		.ShowFocusRect = True
		With .Items
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
		End With
	End With
End Function

Can each cell have their own dropdown lists that contain "different list item values" for each cell, not predefined for the entire column
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns.Add("Column/Cell-Same").Editor
			.EditType = 3
			.AddItem 0,"Zero"
			.AddItem 1,"One"
			.AddItem 2,"Two"
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Column/Cell-Different").Editor
			.EditType = 1
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(0)
			With .CellEditor(h,1)
				.EditType = 3
				.AddItem 3,"Three"
				.AddItem 4,"Four"
			End With
			.CellValue(h,1) = 3
			h = .AddItem(0)
			With .CellEditor(h,1)
				.EditType = 6
				.AddItem 1,"Single"
				.AddItem 2,"Double"
			End With
			.CellValue(h,1) = 3
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I specify just a few fonts in a FontType editor
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		With .Columns.Add("Fonts").Editor
			.EditType = 10
			.AddItem 0,"Calibri"
			.AddItem 1,"Arial"
			.AddItem 2,"Rockwell"
			.AddItem 3,"Tahoma"
			.SortItems True
			.DropDownRows = 4
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Tahoma"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I show only the working-hours in chart and histogram panels

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Tasks"
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(0) = 40
			.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 64
			.HistogramView = 112
			.LevelCount = 3
			.NonworkingHours = 16253183
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramType = 1
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
			End With
			.ShowNonworkingDates = False
			.ShowNonworkingUnits = False
			.ShowNonworkingHours = False
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.UnitScale = 65536
			.UnitWidth = 4
			.ResizeUnitScale = .UnitScale ' .UnitScale
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task A")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2005 11:00:00 AM#,#6/23/2005 0:00:00 PM#
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "0.0416666"
			.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
			h = .AddItem("Task B")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2005 0:00:00 PM#,#6/23/2005 4:00:00 PM#
			.ItemBar(h,"",21) = "0.0416666"
			.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do you embed HTML options into the anchor click string
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AnchorClick(AnchorID,Options)
	With G2antt1
		alert( AnchorID )
		alert( Options )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Add("Car").Def(17) = 1
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "<a mazda_1;options for 1>Mazda <b>1</b></a>"
			.AddItem "<a mazda_2;options for 2>Mazda <b>2</b></a>"
			.AddItem "<a mazda_3;options for 3a>Mazda <b>3.a</b></a>"
			.AddItem "<a mazda_3;options for 3b>Mazda <b>3.b</b></a>"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I add a checkbox column (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_CellStateChanged(Item,ColIndex)
	With G2antt1
		alert( "CheckBox Changed:" )
		alert( .Items.CellState(Item,ColIndex) )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add("Check").Def(0) = True
		With .Items
			.CellState(.AddItem("Check 1"),0) = 0
			.CellState(.AddItem("Check 2"),0) = 1
			.CellState(.AddItem("Check 3"),0) = 0
			.CellState(.AddItem("Check 4"),0) = 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I add a checkbox column (method 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_Change(Item,ColIndex,NewValue)
	With G2antt1
		alert( "CheckBox Changed:" )
		alert( NewValue )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns.Add("Check")
			With .Editor
				.EditType = 19
				.Option(17) = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem 0
			.AddItem 1
			.AddItem 0
			.AddItem 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I change the progress bar's appearance

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .VisualAppearance
			.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
			.Add 2,"c:\exontrol\images\pushed.ebn"
		End With
		Set var_Editor = .Columns.Add("Progress").Editor
		With var_Editor
			.EditType = 13
			.Option(11) = 16777216
			.Option(13) = 33554432
		End With
		.Items.AddItem 33
	End With
End Function

I have the rows with different background color, and when I select the item it takes the color of the SelBackColor, and therefore is no longer visible behind the color. Is there any option to make the item's color being visible (method 3)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SelBackColor = &H1fffffe
		.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
		.SelBackColor = &H1000000
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		With .Items
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("red")) = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("blue")) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("green")) = RGB(0,255,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have the rows with different background color, and when I select the item it takes the color of the SelBackColor, and therefore is no longer visible behind the color. Is there any option to make the item's color being visible (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SelBackMode = 1
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Items
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("red")) = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("blue")) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("green")) = RGB(0,255,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have the rows with different background color, and when I select the item it takes the color of the SelBackColor, and therefore is no longer visible behind the color. Is there any option to make the item's color being visible (method 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.SelBackColor = .BackColor
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		.ShowFocusRect = True
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Items
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("red")) = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("blue")) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("green")) = RGB(0,255,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

The BeforeExpandItem event is fired when clicking the drop down filter button. What we can do to prevent that

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_BeforeExpandItem(Item,Cancel)
	With G2antt1
		alert( "BeforeExpandItem" )
		alert( Item )
		.Items.InsertItem Item,,"new child"
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Items")
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.FilterList = 4
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.ItemHasChildren(.InsertItem(,,"Group 1")) = True
			.ItemHasChildren(.InsertItem(,,"Group 2")) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can identify when I clicked Hour, Month, or Year of the time-scale overview

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_OverviewZoom()
	With G2antt1
		alert( "UnitScale: " )
		alert( .Chart.UnitScale )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			.LevelCount = 2
			.OverviewVisible = 2
			.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can define a minimum and maximum in a column SpinType
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			With .Add("SpinType between 5 and 150").Editor
				.EditType = 20
				.Numeric = -1
				.Option(41) = 0
				.Option(43) = 5
				.Option(44) = 150
			End With
		End With
		.Items.AddItem 50
	End With
End Function

How I can change the title of the time-scale overview. (Example: Month by 'Mes', Day by 'Dia')

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			.LevelCount = 2
			.OverviewVisible = 2
			.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
			.OverviewZoomCaption = "Aņo|||Mes|||Dia|||"
			.Label(1) = ""
			.Label(2) = ""
			.Label(17) = ""
			.Label(256) = ""
			.Label(65536) = ""
			.Label(1048576) = ""
			.Label(16777216) = ""
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to set a fixed wide for the Items List Arrea, so that when changing the Form.width, the Items List Arrea be constant and therefor changing the Chart Area-wide
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.OnResizeControl = 1
	End With
End Function

How can I clear the colors for all bars at once
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.Debug = True
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A"
			.ItemBar(h,"A",33) = 65280
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"B1"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/17/2001#,"B2"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K3"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 4"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K4"
			.ItemBar(0,"<*>",33) = 0
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the colors for all bars at once
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.Debug = True
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Task 1")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"B1"
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/17/2001#,"B2"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K3"
			.AddBar .AddItem("Task 4"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K4"
			.ItemBar(0,"<*>",33) = 255
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I show my custom bars in the histogram (method 3)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.LevelCount = 2
			.AllowLinkBars = False
			.DrawGridLines = -1
			.FirstVisibleDate = #12/31/2000#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 64
			.PaneWidth(False) = 128
			With .Bars.Item("Task")
				.HistogramType = 256
				.HistogramItems = 6
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.HistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars = 1
				.OverlaidType = 1
			End With
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			h = .AddItem("Item 3")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/12/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 255
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I show my custom bars in the histogram (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 32
			.Bars.Item("Task").HistogramPattern = 6
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			h = .AddItem("Item 3")
			.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/12/2001#
			.ItemBar(h,"",33) = 255
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I show my custom bars in the histogram (method 1)
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			.PaneWidth(False) = 64
			.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
			.HistogramVisible = True
			.HistogramHeight = 32
			.Bars.Item("Task").HistogramPattern = 6
			With .Bars.Copy("Task","MyBar")
				.HistogramPattern = 5
				.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
				.HistogramColor = .Color
			End With
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#
			.AddBar .AddItem("Item 3"),"MyBar",#1/8/2001#,#1/12/2001#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Do you have any Fit-To-Page options when printing the control

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function G2antt1_AddItem(Item)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CD481F4D-2D25-4759-803F-752C568F53B7" id="G2antt1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With G2antt1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #8/4/1994#
		With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
			.Options = "FitToPage = On"
			.PrintExt = G2antt1.Object
		End With
	End With
End Function